Friday, April 17, 2009

The greatest sport ever!

Most of us wonder and quarrel this question..."What is the Greatest Sport Ever?". Some say Basketball, other say Socc
er etc.. Well my answer is "KISSING". Yes, kissing is the oldest and the most versatile sport ever created. Here are the reasons to prove this.
Let me give you some history about kissing. Kissing was invented during the time of ADAM and EVE. It all started when they disobey God and eat the fruit of wisdom. They begun feeling things which they never felt before and the rest is history. (thanks to the serpent) =)

Kissing is the most versatile sport around. There are so many types of kisses to choose from – at least one for just about any occasion. There is the quick peck , the smack, the elegant kiss and the wildly passionate kiss.Kissing is easy to transport. It really doesn't matter where you are. You can kiss: at the gym, in the boardroom, in the space shuttle, even in the streets.

Kissing requires so little equipment, which means you can do it any-time, anywhere , prepared or unprepared.

Kissing always livens things up. Try this: the next time you are in an oh-so-booooring situation that seems to last oh-so-foreeeeever, why not just kiss somebody. Go ahead; try it and see how it livens things up?

So guys, let's makes "KISSING" our ideal sport.


  1. Jan, if you don't mind me asking, you did you alert me of your posting of this article? hehehe

  2. now jan, go and kiss all your co-VAs...hehehe...
